An individual born to parents who are Israeli citizens (even if only one parent has Israeli citizenship) automatically receives Israeli citizenship and all the ancillary rights thereto, the first of which includes the right to stay and work in Israel.
Foreign citizens (not Israelis) are entitled to live and work in Israel provided that they meet the criteria enumerated in the law for such, the most common criteria of which is the fact that one is Jewish. Therefore, many foreign citizens are entitled to make “Aliyah” (immigrate) to Israel in accordance with the country’s unique Law of Return which prescribes that not only can Jews immigrate to Israel but their children and grandchildren are also entitled to immigrate to Israel and receive citizenship.
Nevertheless, problems can arise when a foreign resident has a problem proving his Jewish ancestry and that his forefathers were Jewish, or alternately when the country refuses to acknowledge his conversion.
In light of the fact that proving one’s Jewish heritage may be a complex process, in particular for an individual who does not speak Hebrew and who is not proficient with the laws of the State of Israel, we offer legal services assisting with this entire process.
We offer consultations that clarify the entire process, as well as the requirements of the Israeli citizenship and immigration process, for those for whom it is not entirely clear. We also assist with the hands on filing of all necessary documents on your behalf, with preparing all application documents and also contact the relevant authorities in Israel, such as the Ministry of Interior, on your behalf (this can be done even if you reside overseas).
Therefore, should you find yourself in a situation where you need legal assistance in order to obtain your Israeli citizenship, we suggest that you set up a free and non-binding consultation meeting and/or call (in the event that you do not reside in Israel), during the course of which we will evaluate your particular situation and come up with a customized action plan for you, depending on what steps you have already taken etc.
We do not offer only theoretical advice, but a personalized action plan and legal advice specific to your unique situation and status.